An edition of WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: USF Water Institute

Lake Miona

You are on a page dedicated to Florida Lakes. Florida has more lakes than any other state in the United States and they represent one of its most important natural resources. The University of South Florida's Water Institute, the University of Florida's LAKEWATCH program, and the Florida Lake Management Society are dedicated to protecting these critical resources through citizen education and support for citizen volunteer programs.

The Florida Atlas of Lakes (FAOL) is an edition of the Water Atlas, a suite of websites produced by the University of South Florida Water Institute. The goal of the Florida Atlas of Lakes is to provide a statewide lake information site for lake property owners, Florida LAKEWATCH volunteers, scientists, and other persons interested in Florida lakes.

Lake Miona is found within Sumter County - a County not yet sponsored by the Water Atlas program. You can view any of the Water Atlas County/City programs at

To learn more about the Water Atlas program and how your community can become a sponsor, please visit

Water quality data on this page has been provided by LAKEWATCH volunteers.

To find out more about the LAKEWATCH program and how you can become a volunteer, please visit the links below.

The Florida Lake Management Society promotes the protection, enhancement, conservation, restoration and management of Florida's lakes. For more information about the Society and how to become a member, please see the More Information section below.

For more information about the effective management of aquatic resources, as well as the control of invasive species in natural areas, please visit the website of the University of Florida/IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants.

More InformationWant to know more?

If you are interested in learning more about the Water Atlas Program and developing a full-featured Atlas in your community, please contact Shawn Landry at the USF Water Institute. Give us a call at 813-974-0309 or click here to email us.

For more information about the Florida LAKEWATCH program, please contact them at or 352-392-4817.

For more information about the Florida Lake Management Society, please email

Lake InformationAccurate and up-to-date information

NameMiona, Lake
Alternate Name(s)N/A
Surface Area (acres)323.69
Latitude28° 54' 11"
Longitude82° 00' 10"
USGS Quarter QuadOXFORD ( SE )

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Water Quality DataView historical and current water quality data

ParameterLatest ValueHistorical RangeAdditional Information
Nitrogen 1,110.00 ug/l
Source: WIN_21FLKWAT
1,050.00 - 1,360.00 ug/l
06/25/2019 - 11/20/2022
7 samples
Analyze This
Phosphorus as P 16.00 ug/l
Source: WIN_21FLKWAT
11.00 - 20.00 ug/l
10/15/2021 - 11/20/2022
6 samples
Analyze This
Secchi disk depth 5.00 ft
Source: WIN_21FLKWAT
5.00 - 8.00 ft
06/25/2019 - 11/20/2022
9 samples
Analyze This
Trophic State Index: Florida DEP 38.00
Source: WIN_21FLKWAT
29.00 - 41.00
06/25/2019 - 11/20/2022
5 samples
Analyze This
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