Metadata Summary

FWRI Sea Turtle Nesting

Datasource Information

Dataset TypeGIS/Spatial Data
Name of Data SourceFWRI Sea Turtle Nesting
Datasource Abbreviation (dataset)FWRI_SEATURTLE
Description of DatasourceDistribution, seasonality, and abundance of nesting by sea turtles in Florida derived from observations of tracks and other nesting signs left on the beach.
Method of Transferring Data to the AtlasManual transfer via HTTP
How Often Data is Transferred to the AtlasAnnually
Date of Most Recent Data Transfer6/1/2004
Disclaimer/Use ConstraintsChanges in survey boundaries for individual beaches and variability in survey frequency (days per week) and period (beginning and ending dates) occur in the SNBS program, making it inappropriate for assessing population trends. Population monitoring is the goal of a complementary DEP program, the Index Nesting Beach Survey Program.

Custodian Information

Agency Name Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
Endangered and Threatened Species Marine Turtle Program
Contact NameBeth Brost
Contact Phone(727) 896-8626 x1918
Contact Email
Contact URL